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Advisor Tech Tools

Advisor Tech Tools

Canvas for advisors

The canvas for advisors course is your first go to place for important information specific to your role as an academic advisor. This is a centrally supported internal advisor resource page maintained by Cross Campus Strategic Initiatives (Jeff Malone), on an on-going basis. Most advising policy or information can be found between the canvas for advisor site, COS Internal Advisor site, and the OtR webpages.

Canvas for advisors content

Advisor student profile

Quick links

For a complete guide on the contents of the Advisor Student Profile, you can access the training guide on Canvas for Advisors – advisor student profile quick guide


The advisor student profile provides advisors a dashboard view of the students account including:

  • Biographical/contact information
  • Student photo (if enabled by the student)
  • General student information (level, class, status, student type, residency, campus, etc.)
  • Academic holds
  • Registration notifications
  • Curriculum and courses
  • Prior education and testing
  • Link to students’ academic transcripts
  • Student schedule
  • Direct links to students MyDegrees profile
  • Graduation information
  • Assigned advisors


Quick links

  1. Canvas for advisors –
    1. Intro to MyDegrees for advising
      i. What if, Page 27
      ii. Student Planner, Page 29
      iii. Exceptions, Page 42
      iv. GPA Calculator, Page 62
    2. Guidelines For MyDegrees Checklist Notes
    3. OtR MyDegrees resources

Entering exceptions

  • Use also allow for in-progress courses.
  • Use apply here only for courses that have been completed and have a final grade.
  • Use force complete if a student has three or more attempts in a course before achieving a passing grade. An “Apply here” will work, but the Registrar prefers that we use Force Complete. Here is their explanation from September 2016:

We would like to have advisors get into the habit of using force complete in situations where the second attempt is an F because having an F meet degree requirements isn’t something we want listed on the archived audit that will be kept in NOLIJ. Also, a grade of F won’t have any credits associated with it so shouldn’t be any different in terms of total credits overall or for the block.

MyDegrees notes

Key take-away’s from the OSU Advising document “Guidelines for MyDegrees Checklist Notes”

MyDegrees checklist notes provide important documentation of advising interactions, and the University expects advisors to record notes consistently and accurately to ensure seamless records of students’ needs and plans.

Timely, purposeful entries in the checklist notes (and/or the Planner notes) provide:

  • Documentation of student interactions (face to face or via electronic mediums)
  • Fall 2020 Update: This includes MS Teams or ZOOM chat content stemming from advising interactions. If you opt to save related ZOOM chat notes, they need to be saved/stored with the same level of precaution as any other advising record.
  • Context and history allowing for expedient and productive contacts that minimize unnecessary repetition and redundancy
  • A vehicle to enhance the advising relationship and connection with a student
  • A secure, formal, mechanism for the sharing of information between advisor and student (ex: course planning, alts/options, activities to complete, or term PIN number)
  • Opportunities to track development and learning, progress toward established benchmarks, and/or noting patterns in behavior or actions.
  • Documentation of student navigation within the university allowing for a holistic approach as students work with and move between advisors, departments, campus services, and other institutional representatives.

General content & practice guidelines

  • In preparing to enter checklist notes in MyDegrees, ask yourself how the notes contribute to the holistic record of a student’s academic and career pathway while maintaining appropriate levels of disclosure.
  • Narrative notes are encouraged for readability and nuanced circumstances, but bulleted summaries can also be effective and readily skimmed in preparation for an appointment.
  • Focus on facts and events. Summarize conversations. Provide information that would/will allow a campus colleague to contextualize the student’s circumstances and the related advice offered.
  • Include relevant information regarding student’s progress towards degree or career goals, university benchmarks (e.g. 1st Year Skills Courses), prerequisites, or major components.
  • Comment on recommended courses or alternative courses discussed and how those courses will likely affect progress towards degree completion and/or major exploration.
  • Document discussions of university policies and academic regulations
  • Cite actions that were request of the student and require follow-up
  • Be sure to document whenever you do refer a student to other offices on campus (academic or non-academic, including for example, Counseling and Psychological Services, Disability Access Services, and Student Health Services).


Canvas for Advisors – CORE for advisors

Helpful CORE reports for advisors:

report number

report name



Students by College & Major

A list of registered Students by college and major for use by advisors for appointment setting; limited information - no GPA; requested by advisors. Drill down to Student Academic Schedule. Parameters are Academic Year (single select), Academic Period (single select), Campus (multi select), College (multi select), Program Type (Primary/All, to determine available majors), Major (multi select), Enrollment Status (multi select), Student Level (multi select) and Restrict to Honor Students (T/F)


Primary Major; All Degrees

Results include all majors and degrees as well as GPA, credits earned/attempted, gender and ethnicity; deep link to student schedule.


Active DPP Students

Generates list of DPP students by (multi-select) college; results are broken out by student major and include which community college the student also attends


My Advisees

Automatically generates a report with a list of the students who are assigned to you in Banner.


PIN Lists

List of student's registration PINs for selected term; major prompt for PRIMARY major only; student must have a record for the selected term; does not include students with IS or NM status.


Graduation Lists by College/Major

Parameters are Academic Year, Academic Period, Campus (multi
select), College (multi select), Major (multi select), Graduation Status (multi select), and Student Level (multi select)


Academic Standing Query

Query on Academic Standing Code by Student Primary Campus and College - All Programs; can be used to identify students within a
college who are on academic warning,
probation, good standing, etc.


Student Ad Hoc Lite

Student Ad Hoc Lite: OSU Registration / Schedule Query (STU2563) offers course registration information filtered by year and term (both required), and a variety of student and course parameters.


Courses With Low Cost Textbooks

Reports courses using low- or no-cost textbooks. Parameters are: Academic Year, Academic Period, Course Campus.


Honor Roll by College

Aggregate /Count of students that have made Dean's List/ honor roll by department and college. Only counts students with the HR indicator in Dean's List Indicator. Parameters are Academic Year, Academic Period, College


Student Term Snapshot

Current and previous term student overview, EXCLUDING withdraws.


Student Eligible to Enroll - Not Registered

List of students eligible to enroll for the period selected but not yet registered for a course. Drill downs to Academic Schedule and Student Profile (with GPA) reports. Parameters are Academic Year and Period, College (multi select), Campus (multi select), Student Level (multi select), Program Type (to determine available majors list), Major (multi select), Academic Standing (multi select), Restrict to Honors Students? (True / False) and Exclude Selected & Previous Terms’ Pending Graduation Records? (Yes / No)


Student Holds by ID

All active academic holds (not health holds) for a student by student ID. Parameters are Academic Year (single select), Academic Period (single select), ID(s) (multi entry) and Hold Type (multi select). Includes hold type, hold explanation, hold from/to dates, and whether the hold is a registration hold or not.


Priority Registration

The maximum number of Student IDs allowed is 1000. An error will be generated if more IDs than this are entered.


Student Academic Schedule - multiple students

Student Academic Schedule by term. Similar to STU0001, but allows multiple student IDs to be entered. Report format different. Parameters are Student ID (multi-entry), Academic Year, Academic Period and Schedule (Regular or Midterm/Finals).

MS applications resources

OSU Office 365 Support
OSU Office 365 training resources


Outlook trainings


PowerPoint trainings
Beaver Basics PowerPoint tip sheets


Basic tasks in excel
Excel trainings
Beaver Basics Excel tip sheets


Beaver Basics Word tip sheets
Beaver Basics Google Docs tip sheets:

Library training workshops:

YouTube is another great resource for learning Excel formulas or other tips and tricks for Microsoft programs.