Lung Association funding opportunities
Lung Association funding opportunities
Catalyst Research Award
The American Lung Association Catalyst Award is a mentored award meant to support outstanding investigators on the path to independence for research into the mechanisms of lung disease and general lung biology. Preference is given to projects that are novel, innovative in design/approach, utilize modern technologies, and incorporate a multidisciplinary collaborative training plan.
Dalsemer Interstitial Research Award
The American Lung Association Dalsemer Interstitial Research Grant is a mentored award meant to provide seed monies to junior investigators on the path to independence for researching the mechanisms and biology of interstitial lung disease.
Hastings Innovation Award for Interstitial Lung Disease Award
This award is geared toward independent investigators conducting basic, clinical or translational research in interstitial lung disease. The applicant must have held an NIH K- or R-type award within five years prior to applying, but not more than two R01 type grants.
Innovation Award
The award is intended to support highly promising investigators with stellar track records of accomplishment, who have the potential to advance the field of lung disease science.
Successful applicants are investigators with evidence of prior excellence and productivity in the early stages of their careers; applicants must have held a K or R type award within five years preceding their application for this Lung Association award.